Letter To Men About Women's Menstruation

Dear Men, 

If I had a nickel for everytime I hear a guy  complain against the moodiness of women during our monthly period, I would probably have five houses by now.

First of all, the mere fact you haven't had a menstrual period should automatically bar you from commenting or saying anything about menstruation and how we deal with it. But because my time of the month is starting right about now I can't help but give into my the hormonal forces violently surging through my whole being. In a couple of hours, I assure you, my body is goint to transform to a human version of Megatron in steroids. Isn’t the female human body amazing?

Letters to HighSchool Jocks and Popular Ones

Dear Jocks/ school princess/pretty ones/popular ones,

Make sure you enjoy the popularity, the attention of other students, other students wanting to be like you, and other students wanting to be you. Make sure you pack as much ego as you can because it’s all downhill from here. 

Dear Life

Dear life,
I loved you. whenever my friends profess their hatred for you i always defended you. i keep on making them realize that there are a lot of things good things about you. i help them appreciate you.

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