Heartbreaking BreakUp Letter

A broken heart is like a car crash. You see it coming back but it's too late to reverse. 

You were the greatest contradiction in my life. You made me a better person but you also made me realize my worst and sometimes it happens at the same time in the worst possible place at the best possible time. 

We are off the charts at our best but we grow ice cold at our worst. But just as at the brink of giving up, you always come back waving the white flag and when we do come back, it's like we going back to how we started... butterflies in our stomachs, excitement of the chase, i love yous in the middle of the night, stolen kisses in public place. 

Thoughts About Life

after a while, you'll realize that romance fades away
when it does, love is the only thing that can hold a relationship together

after a while, you'll realize that goodbyes are forever
and that waiting, hoping, and believing will never bring the person back

Growing Old Alone

This stupid day is no different from all the stupid days you’ve had. You put on 8 o’ clock and just like the hundreds and even thousands of mornings before, you made your final check before you go – eyeliner perfect, cellphones in the bag, accessories matching your outfit, keys of your car, money to get you by. You glance at you one last time and suddenly it hits you.

Where did that white hair come from?

Lines under your eyes.

The Science of a Broken Heart

A 'broken heart' is not just drama, it certainly isn’t some disgusting lunacy, and most definitely not a product of  desparation. 

It is a traumatic physical event supported and solidified by science.

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is the scientific term for what we commonly know as the 'broken heart syndrome'. It is triggered by an emotional or physical shock, very similar to the trauma or shock that someone who has gone through an accident or has heard of a shocking news experiences. However, the Takotsubo cardiomyopathy often affects women and puts a person in serious danger of up to 48 hours. 

My First Love Letter to My Boyfriend

Dear Warck,
You are not my ideal boyfriend. Not even close.

But what we have, despite its unconventional setting, is more than what I had ever hoped for. I'm not saying it is perfect -- after all, what is? But right now, I could not ask for a better partner than you.

Letter to My Cheating Husband & All Cheaters

Don’t give me crap about the agony of falling in love with two people. If you were able to lie to one or both of us about having someone else, then you loved one more than the other or love neither. If you were able to hurt one or both of us, then you loved one less or loved neither. It's never equal. It will never be equal. 

You just loved yourself more. Too much more to want to have the best of both worlds maybe. I provide stability, she provides excitement? Maybe you want some guarantee. You want to make sure you have one in case you lose the other. 

Super Sweet Love Letter To My Boyfriend

I have been burnt so many times that I am scared to fall in love again but he made me believe in love again.

Pain, betrayal, sadness, death… are experiences I go through everyday. I don’t complain anymore. It is useless to be so angry at something that will be forever present in my life. I have appreciated my small victories or good attempts to simply be human. At night, I am just glad to still be standing. That’s how I get through, by detaching myself from this world.

I have never really considered living a difficult thing. It’s been a breeze, actually, because I’ve conditioned myself to not expect anything beyond what is already there. I would wake up everyday, remind myself to just breath and ignore as much as I can. The world is a stranger to me and there is comfort in strangeness… security in being invisible… certainty in hollowness. I just float and flow.

Life On Hold

I wonder how many people are stuck in a job they hate. They stick it out because they think it's just a "stop over on their way to their ideal job."

And God knows how many people are stuck in a relationship with someone they simply like and not love. They stick it out because it's just a "stop over" until they find the person they will spend the rest of their life with. 

How about the girls? The girls who buy clothes a size or two smaller than their real size because they are dieting anyway. Their current size is just a stop over while they shed the pounds. 

Funniest Lessons From Life

1. My life is like a porn movie, without the sex

2. Life has a meaning, we just disapprove of it

3. If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit

To My Future Boyfriend

It rains every night…
It’s hot during the day…
Unusual good traffic along south super hi-way…

Coping With Breakups | Love Who You Are

I do not apologize for being the woman that I am. I worked hard to be where I am and who I am. I worked hard at being the kind of person that people I love can be proud of, rely on, and count on.

I am not perfect but everyday, I try to be better than the me yesterday.

That is why I expect a lot from a man because I give a lot too.


Radical Ideas / Controversial Ideas

What if God didn't promise you salvation, will you still follow him?
I’ve heard so many people so proud about loving God. They live their life with salvation in their heads. They do good things because they want to go to heaven and please God.

Sweet Love Letter of an Old Man to His Partner of 50 Years


Fifty years. We’ve been together 50 years and I never wrote you a single letter and I do remember you calling me out on that when we were younger.

I don’t quite remember when you actually stopped and gave up on me. You know I was never the kind. I am a lot of things but being articulate is not one of them. Saying how I feel is not something I do well but I would like to think that whatever I failed to tell you, I was able to show you.


Father's Letter to His Son From Prison

My son has decided not to see his father and has not done so to date. I am not sure if he ever will and I am not forcing the issue. I, however, give his father an update about our son because I believe that he deserves to know. I told him that his son is graduating from college and a week after that, I got this letter.
My son has read it and has since started asking questions about his dad.

Roman Catholic Wedding Vows

Roman Catholic Wedding Vows#1

There were a lot of things I never thought I could ever do. I never thought I could be more than an 8-5 employee that struggles to live within his means. I never thought I will ever be the kind of person who actively helps others who aren’t even my relatives, who think about the little ways or big ways I could make a difference on the lives of other people. I never thought I would ever be the kind of person who appreciates all the little beautiful things in this world and in other people. I never thought  I never thought I could ever believe so much in the good of people, in the beauty of this world, in the fairness of life, and in God. But you came into my life. You had so much faith and it always pays off. You always believed in me that you made me realize there is always something special, something extraordinary in every person, including me. You get so much happiness and joy in helping other people that it’s contagious.

Thoughts of an Unattractive Girl


To The Broken

We’ve all been through it or bound to go through it - the quintessential painfully funny experience of having a broken heart. Be it on a love we had and lost or the suffering of it even before possession.
Much as we all wish there is a scientific way of dealing with the emotional misery, coping is as relative as the psychosis of romantic jealousy. There is no proven formula, no tried and tested way out, no injectible immunity drug.

Options are many and insanity is powerfully silly.

I Loved You...

I dont know why you ruined me...but no longer am i ruined...i want to tell you this, but theres no point in doing it...you wouldnt care in the slightest...nor do you care about me...

I Know You Tried

Dear Sandra,
I am not mad at you. Not a bit. Despite all that you did and didn't do because I know you tried. 
I know you tried to love me. I know you struggled before making a decision to let me go. I know there were nights you thought about me. I know you never really forgot about me.

Letter to My Mother

Dear Mom,

I haven’t been the ideal daughter… not even close.

I answer back, I sneak out too often, I don’t study as hard as I should have, I made out with the boy you didn’t like, I learned to curse, I post photos online of me wearing a bikini, I tried cigarettes and alcohol, and if I go on, you would be reading this letter the whole day.


I Miss You

My computer clock says 4AM.It's not as though I've been able to think straight this past two weeks, due to my inability to cope with you not being around and the lack of sleep because of too much work, but I do know I should be sleeping by now. In the cab on the road I was staring at the sky, requiring from it some sort of reaction, because for the first time in a long time, I wasn't finding the fun in what I was doing. So I settle for a roll of the eyes and some headshaking... I can't sleep.

My knee still hurts due to that iliotibial band syndrome that does not allow me to run. I miss running. That is the one thing I do that gives me an hour and a half of my day all to myself. For an hour and a half I am fully excused for not caring about anything else in the world but my own body… putting my other foot in front of the other over and over… breathing through my nose and not my mouth… feeling the air wisps through my skin. It even gives me an excuse to curse, cry, smile at strangers, and raise my voice.

My eyes are drooping, and falling flat on my face from some mild form of fatigue would be the most logical thing to do. But, at this point, too much of my mental energy is going to my effort to keeping my sanity intact.



A broken heart is like a car crash. You see it coming back but it's too late to reverse.

You were the greatest contradiction in my life. You made me a better person but you also made me realize my worst and sometimes it happens at the same time in the worst possible place at the best possible time.

Funny Letter of Daughter to Her Mother

Dear Mom, 

I don't know how to tell you this. I kept it a secret for so long because I am afraid I might hurt you but I can't do it anymore. You must know the truth. I'm adopted. You adopted me when I was just a couple days old. 

Unique Love Quotes

i know it sounds ridiculous but i understand you. 
i understand what you cheated.

i know it sounds even more ridiculous but i still trust you.

i believe you when you said you love me.  i don't know why but i do. maybe because i know who you are. i know that deep inside you, all you ever want is something better, the best of what this world can offer because god knows how  long you have endured the worst. 

so i get it.


A Girl's Confessions

1. I lied so many times… everyday… several  times a day. It’s mostly because what happens to me everyday is boring so I perk my stories up to make it interesting.

2. I envy my cousins and friends. Guys like them. I am not attractive. I am not ugly, I know that, but I am not attractive. I have been waiting for a guy for the longest time now but no one is interested. 

3. I lied to my second boyfriend about being a virgin and to my first boyfriend about him being my first kiss. 

One of the Boys / Meantime Girl / Spare Tire

She’s one of the boys. 

You've always liked her because she's easy to deal with. She doesn't expect you to open the door for her, she watches Superbowl with you, she doesn't expect you to listen to her non-sense, and she plays poker. 

She laughs at your jokes and she makes you laugh too. 

I Miss You: A Love Letter To My High School Friends

There isn’t a special reason for this letter. I just realized that next school year we will all be graduating. We will be busy with thesis, while others are busier with work. 
I know this may sound strange but it is only when I am on my last year of college that I start missing high school. I miss our Ms. McKenny who always spent the first half of our class recollecting her own high school days, Mr. Terry who didn’t know a thing about American history, Mr. Levin who always hinted he works for the C.I.A. and Ms. Bront who didn’t own a single piece of clothing that fits her perfectly. I miss our walk from our school to our house. I even miss our fight with our Chemistry teacher. What’s her name? the one who had humongous eyes?

Rants of an Unemployed

My boss just called me in today to ask me to resign because he doesn't know what to do with me. 

And so here I am... in my mid 30s, single, and unemployed. 

I have a Masters degree. I have 15 years of solid working experience and yet, I am here with no clue where to find work. 

Goodbye Letter to Ex-Husband

Hi Baby,

I guess I shouldn’t be calling you that. How are you doing? I am not sure actually if I will be sending this letter at all so writing this is really for me more than you.

Frankly, I’ve spent the last couple of months crying about what happened to us. I miss you. That’s all I do but today I woke up suddenly sick of both, crying and missing you. It is what prompted me to think a bit clearer.

One of the things that I realized is that I blame you for the break up of marriage. But I also blame me. It is, after all, the two of us that made up the marriage. I had my faults as much as you had yours. I don’t know, though, if I can say that yours weigh more than mine. I also know for sure that at this point, it doesn’t matter anymore. What matters more are the things that I learned because of everything that happened.

I entered our marriage certain we were going to last forever. I was sure no girl and no guy can ever come between us. For all it’s worth, I was right. Melix, as pretty and as passionate as you were with her, didn’t break up our marriage. She was a result rather than a cause. What I didn’t know is that if there is anyone who can destroy us, it is us and we did.

I think we failed to understand that love and romance are two separate things. Love is what should have taken over when there wasn’t any romance. Romance is what makes us want each other, makes us want to have sex, makes us want to look pretty and act nicely… love is more than that. It is what makes us want each other especially when we are not pretty or nice. When we lost the romance, it wasn’t a sign that our love disappeared, it was a sign that if we really loved each other we would fight through it until we find our way to romance again.

We should have known, too, that no matter how much we try, time will come when we will dislike each other. It’s just what happens when you spend are set to spend a lifetime with someone. You become too comfortable and you start seeing things you will end up disliking. These dislikes pile up and put it together with a legal obligation to bear with it, you have the sure fire way of hating someone. The key in making it through that is the decision to take the bad along with the good. There was no other way we could have made it through that unless we decided to accept those things and work our way around it.

I also wish one of us had some sense of humour. It would have gotten us through some really hard times. During nights when we were bored with each other, humour would have entertained us. It would have made the other not mind sticking around a bit longer. The natural predilection for humour would have also inspired us to look at the funny side of things instead of the irritating side.

We should have put more importance on patience. We are humans and we have limited supply of energy. We work. We get tired. We should have known that we wouldn’t always have the patience to listen to each other, tolerate each other, and put forward the best foot for each other.

We made a pact to always be honest but we never did make a promise how to deal with the truth when the truth becomes too painful. We should have known that as much as we would always want to hear the truth, we will not always like the truth. There were many truths I didn’t like about you and there were many truths about me that you said that I didn’t like. There were also many truths that I wish were lies.

I wish I could have given you everything you wanted and I wish you could have given me everything I wanted but we should have also known that wasn’t going to happen. No one person could be everything to anyone. At some point, you will need something or want something I can’t provide. We were bound to do something that will turn the other one off and it was bound to happen at the worst time.

Reality, that’s what set in and we didn’t have enough love to bear with it.

What we should have never let go is faith in each other and in ourselves. We should have had faith that no matter how bad things were becoming, we would find our way back to each other.

This marriage did not make me lose faith in marriage but it did make my expectations more realistic. That will surely make me want to work harder in my next relationship.

Lastly, I want to thank you for everything. Not everything was bad. I want to think that all the bad thrown together will never measure to the half of the good we shared. I was happy for a time and it was the kind that some people can only dream of.

Believe it or not, I do wish you well with Melix and I really do hope that someday we could be friends. I can’t do it now but maybe someday.

Finally, I am going to do what you had done even before we separated, I am moving on.


With love still,



I believe in Life, Me and You.
I believe that there's a reason for everything we do.
Those reasons are yours and yours only.


A Letter To My Father's Mistress

Dear my father's mistress,
I only know you from the things I hear from my father and mother and my mom told me never to judge people I don’t know personally. Actually, she taught me never to judge anyone period.
So, since I learned about my father’s affair to you, I have been doing my best not to judge you but I can’t feel but be angry at you. You are destroying our family and for some reason, I feel like I earn a hall pass to hate you because of that. I don’t know much about romantic love. My mom told me I am too young to fully understand its concept but there are thing I know for even at my young age.

Just Feeling A Little Tired Of Living

...time could fly by without me feeling it. Fall asleep and wake up when THE month has passed when the waiting is all over, when it’s too late to do anything to change what could have been. Whatever the outcome of this coming may be.

...i could just feel “done” with my careers. i want to not want anything anymore, not need anything, not even care. I want to move on, enter a new world, want something else more than I wanted what I have.

Bokura Ga Ita (We Were There) Quotes

I like you but I don’t know if I love you. Maybe you can accept me in my uncertainty. - Yano


Take: You’re so strong.

Nanami: Sometimes I feel it is useless.

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