Life On Hold

I wonder how many people are stuck in a job they hate. They stick it out because they think it's just a "stop over on their way to their ideal job."

And God knows how many people are stuck in a relationship with someone they simply like and not love. They stick it out because it's just a "stop over" until they find the person they will spend the rest of their life with. 

How about the girls? The girls who buy clothes a size or two smaller than their real size because they are dieting anyway. Their current size is just a stop over while they shed the pounds. 

Funniest Lessons From Life

1. My life is like a porn movie, without the sex

2. Life has a meaning, we just disapprove of it

3. If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit

To My Future Boyfriend

It rains every night…
It’s hot during the day…
Unusual good traffic along south super hi-way…

Coping With Breakups | Love Who You Are

I do not apologize for being the woman that I am. I worked hard to be where I am and who I am. I worked hard at being the kind of person that people I love can be proud of, rely on, and count on.

I am not perfect but everyday, I try to be better than the me yesterday.

That is why I expect a lot from a man because I give a lot too.


Radical Ideas / Controversial Ideas

What if God didn't promise you salvation, will you still follow him?
I’ve heard so many people so proud about loving God. They live their life with salvation in their heads. They do good things because they want to go to heaven and please God.

Sweet Love Letter of an Old Man to His Partner of 50 Years


Fifty years. We’ve been together 50 years and I never wrote you a single letter and I do remember you calling me out on that when we were younger.

I don’t quite remember when you actually stopped and gave up on me. You know I was never the kind. I am a lot of things but being articulate is not one of them. Saying how I feel is not something I do well but I would like to think that whatever I failed to tell you, I was able to show you.


Father's Letter to His Son From Prison

My son has decided not to see his father and has not done so to date. I am not sure if he ever will and I am not forcing the issue. I, however, give his father an update about our son because I believe that he deserves to know. I told him that his son is graduating from college and a week after that, I got this letter.
My son has read it and has since started asking questions about his dad.

Roman Catholic Wedding Vows

Roman Catholic Wedding Vows#1

There were a lot of things I never thought I could ever do. I never thought I could be more than an 8-5 employee that struggles to live within his means. I never thought I will ever be the kind of person who actively helps others who aren’t even my relatives, who think about the little ways or big ways I could make a difference on the lives of other people. I never thought I would ever be the kind of person who appreciates all the little beautiful things in this world and in other people. I never thought  I never thought I could ever believe so much in the good of people, in the beauty of this world, in the fairness of life, and in God. But you came into my life. You had so much faith and it always pays off. You always believed in me that you made me realize there is always something special, something extraordinary in every person, including me. You get so much happiness and joy in helping other people that it’s contagious.

Thoughts of an Unattractive Girl


To The Broken

We’ve all been through it or bound to go through it - the quintessential painfully funny experience of having a broken heart. Be it on a love we had and lost or the suffering of it even before possession.
Much as we all wish there is a scientific way of dealing with the emotional misery, coping is as relative as the psychosis of romantic jealousy. There is no proven formula, no tried and tested way out, no injectible immunity drug.

Options are many and insanity is powerfully silly.

I Loved You...

I dont know why you ruined me...but no longer am i ruined...i want to tell you this, but theres no point in doing wouldnt care in the slightest...nor do you care about me...
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