Heartbreaking BreakUp Letter

A broken heart is like a car crash. You see it coming back but it's too late to reverse. 

You were the greatest contradiction in my life. You made me a better person but you also made me realize my worst and sometimes it happens at the same time in the worst possible place at the best possible time. 

We are off the charts at our best but we grow ice cold at our worst. But just as at the brink of giving up, you always come back waving the white flag and when we do come back, it's like we going back to how we started... butterflies in our stomachs, excitement of the chase, i love yous in the middle of the night, stolen kisses in public place. 

Thoughts About Life

after a while, you'll realize that romance fades away
when it does, love is the only thing that can hold a relationship together

after a while, you'll realize that goodbyes are forever
and that waiting, hoping, and believing will never bring the person back

Growing Old Alone

This stupid day is no different from all the stupid days you’ve had. You put on 8 o’ clock and just like the hundreds and even thousands of mornings before, you made your final check before you go – eyeliner perfect, cellphones in the bag, accessories matching your outfit, keys of your car, money to get you by. You glance at you one last time and suddenly it hits you.

Where did that white hair come from?

Lines under your eyes.

The Science of a Broken Heart

A 'broken heart' is not just drama, it certainly isn’t some disgusting lunacy, and most definitely not a product of  desparation. 

It is a traumatic physical event supported and solidified by science.

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is the scientific term for what we commonly know as the 'broken heart syndrome'. It is triggered by an emotional or physical shock, very similar to the trauma or shock that someone who has gone through an accident or has heard of a shocking news experiences. However, the Takotsubo cardiomyopathy often affects women and puts a person in serious danger of up to 48 hours. 

My First Love Letter to My Boyfriend

Dear Warck,
You are not my ideal boyfriend. Not even close.

But what we have, despite its unconventional setting, is more than what I had ever hoped for. I'm not saying it is perfect -- after all, what is? But right now, I could not ask for a better partner than you.

Letter to My Cheating Husband & All Cheaters

Don’t give me crap about the agony of falling in love with two people. If you were able to lie to one or both of us about having someone else, then you loved one more than the other or love neither. If you were able to hurt one or both of us, then you loved one less or loved neither. It's never equal. It will never be equal. 

You just loved yourself more. Too much more to want to have the best of both worlds maybe. I provide stability, she provides excitement? Maybe you want some guarantee. You want to make sure you have one in case you lose the other. 

Super Sweet Love Letter To My Boyfriend

I have been burnt so many times that I am scared to fall in love again but he made me believe in love again.

Pain, betrayal, sadness, death… are experiences I go through everyday. I don’t complain anymore. It is useless to be so angry at something that will be forever present in my life. I have appreciated my small victories or good attempts to simply be human. At night, I am just glad to still be standing. That’s how I get through, by detaching myself from this world.

I have never really considered living a difficult thing. It’s been a breeze, actually, because I’ve conditioned myself to not expect anything beyond what is already there. I would wake up everyday, remind myself to just breath and ignore as much as I can. The world is a stranger to me and there is comfort in strangeness… security in being invisible… certainty in hollowness. I just float and flow.

Life On Hold

I wonder how many people are stuck in a job they hate. They stick it out because they think it's just a "stop over on their way to their ideal job."

And God knows how many people are stuck in a relationship with someone they simply like and not love. They stick it out because it's just a "stop over" until they find the person they will spend the rest of their life with. 

How about the girls? The girls who buy clothes a size or two smaller than their real size because they are dieting anyway. Their current size is just a stop over while they shed the pounds. 

Funniest Lessons From Life

1. My life is like a porn movie, without the sex

2. Life has a meaning, we just disapprove of it

3. If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit

To My Future Boyfriend

It rains every night…
It’s hot during the day…
Unusual good traffic along south super hi-way…
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