10 Kinds of People on Facebook

The Cowards

Learn how to say things to people’s faces, don’t use your status.

The Desperate for Attention

We don’t give a fine fuck what you ate this morning or last night or the night after that… we also don’t give a fine fuck who you saw at the mall or what music you’re listening too…

Lost Love


Letter To My Boyfriend's Ex Girlfriend

And then you let him go.

You knew right away he was and is the one for you. Now you can only have him through the memories of how perfectly your hand fits with his, how his lips made your whole body feel the warmth of his love, how his embrace protected your soul from all the pain, how he made you feel whole specially when it mattered the most.  
He was not perfect.  No one is but he did his best. His flaws only made him real. He is not some prince charming you so wanted when you were a kid or the Mr. Right songs and movies and novels painted for you. He was the man who loved you at your best, understood and accepted you at your worst, and never left your side until the very end. His strengths held you as much as his weaknesses comforted you.

Ready to Fall In Love

I wish there is some kind of a rulebook for vulnerability. Some guide that tells you when you’ve crossed the line or when enough is enough. Something you can bring along everyday everywhere you go to refer to when you see signs of danger or about to enter a state of confusion but I guess the danger of hurting is a pre-requisite to falling in love.

I tried evading the risk. I spent my whole life building walls and mastering strategies to keep everyone out and survive with only the things that are necessary. I was doing pretty good at it. Then you came and before I knew it, my walls kept on cracking until it had enough cracks for it to be destroyed with just a pinch. I don’t blame you, you didn’t ask for it. I think all you did is something silly like say ‘Hi.’


Funny Letters to God

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