Letter of Teen Mother to her Baby in the Womb

Dear Baby,
Do you feel what I feel? When I am scared, do you feel scared too? I read that a baby in the womb will feel everything a mother feels. You think what I think. You hate what I hate and you love what I love.
If that is true then you must be scared to hell like I am. I mean, I can barely getting though my teen years and here I am about to be a mother. Soon enough, you will come out and will rely on me completely to survive. How am I supposed to guide you when I can barely survive myself? I am barely a good daughter and I have to be a great mother to you. If babies really feel what a mother feels then you must feel that. 

Letter of Forgiveness


There’s something I realized just now… I can’t blame you for anything that happened to me. The only fault you ever had is leaving us. Everything that happened after that is all on me.

I gave you too much power over me to think you were never with me. I allowed you to make the decisions on what I will do with my life, to think you never did anything for me to have one.

I can’t blame you for anything. It’s all on me.


Letter To My Childhood Friends

I just came from a night out with my two best buddies who also happen to be my cousins. i didn't realize how much we grew apart. This is my unsent letter to them. 

You are the two people I spent my childhood with. Memories of home are almost always memories with you. We have been each other’s witnesses to each other’s lives  - as reluctantly as it is fortunately.
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