I Know You Tried

Dear Sandra,
I am not mad at you. Not a bit. Despite all that you did and didn't do because I know you tried. 
I know you tried to love me. I know you struggled before making a decision to let me go. I know there were nights you thought about me. I know you never really forgot about me.

Letter to My Mother

Dear Mom,

I haven’t been the ideal daughter… not even close.

I answer back, I sneak out too often, I don’t study as hard as I should have, I made out with the boy you didn’t like, I learned to curse, I post photos online of me wearing a bikini, I tried cigarettes and alcohol, and if I go on, you would be reading this letter the whole day.


I Miss You

My computer clock says 4AM.It's not as though I've been able to think straight this past two weeks, due to my inability to cope with you not being around and the lack of sleep because of too much work, but I do know I should be sleeping by now. In the cab on the road I was staring at the sky, requiring from it some sort of reaction, because for the first time in a long time, I wasn't finding the fun in what I was doing. So I settle for a roll of the eyes and some headshaking... I can't sleep.

My knee still hurts due to that iliotibial band syndrome that does not allow me to run. I miss running. That is the one thing I do that gives me an hour and a half of my day all to myself. For an hour and a half I am fully excused for not caring about anything else in the world but my own body… putting my other foot in front of the other over and over… breathing through my nose and not my mouth… feeling the air wisps through my skin. It even gives me an excuse to curse, cry, smile at strangers, and raise my voice.

My eyes are drooping, and falling flat on my face from some mild form of fatigue would be the most logical thing to do. But, at this point, too much of my mental energy is going to my effort to keeping my sanity intact.



A broken heart is like a car crash. You see it coming back but it's too late to reverse.

You were the greatest contradiction in my life. You made me a better person but you also made me realize my worst and sometimes it happens at the same time in the worst possible place at the best possible time.

Funny Letter of Daughter to Her Mother

Dear Mom, 

I don't know how to tell you this. I kept it a secret for so long because I am afraid I might hurt you but I can't do it anymore. You must know the truth. I'm adopted. You adopted me when I was just a couple days old. 

Unique Love Quotes

i know it sounds ridiculous but i understand you. 
i understand what you cheated.

i know it sounds even more ridiculous but i still trust you.

i believe you when you said you love me.  i don't know why but i do. maybe because i know who you are. i know that deep inside you, all you ever want is something better, the best of what this world can offer because god knows how  long you have endured the worst. 

so i get it.


A Girl's Confessions

1. I lied so many times… everyday… several  times a day. It’s mostly because what happens to me everyday is boring so I perk my stories up to make it interesting.

2. I envy my cousins and friends. Guys like them. I am not attractive. I am not ugly, I know that, but I am not attractive. I have been waiting for a guy for the longest time now but no one is interested. 

3. I lied to my second boyfriend about being a virgin and to my first boyfriend about him being my first kiss. 
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