Someday, this pain will make sense

I hope someday this pain will make sense to to you.

I know what I've put you through. I've made you thump so fast at every little thing I did. I've made you endure so much pain so many times. I knew you were getting weak and tired but I didn't stop.

I knew it all but i chose him over you. I prioritized him over you. Even though it is you who keeps me alive, the one who continuously pumps blood to every corner of my body so I could go about my daily life.

Jobless and Happy

It's 4am, I am tired and I have tons of things to do tomorrow but I can't sleep.

It's a Thursday and just two weeks ago, I would be celebrating on a Thursday because I know Friday is about to come and I'd have two days off work but now, I don't have to worry about work because I have none.


Funny Birthday Messages

... for the daily drama you bring in to our lives

... for the twisted principles you develop in order to survive

... for the stylized vanity you consistently reinvent

Break Up Letter

Don't flatter yourself. I am not crying over you, I am jus pissed at myself for not realizing what kind of a piece of shit you really are.

I have to admit, I allowed my vanity to take the best of me so when you started paying attention to me and making me feel special, I pursued you.

Vanity is a bitch.

Letter to my Friends

We all start out with fairytales, the hopes and illusions of living in a castle with servants who talk in rhymes, shining silver and gold utensils and a landscaped garden that complements the horizon from your bedroom window.

Then life happens. The fairytale becomes an unreasonable and ridiculous story made up to temporarily fill in the helplessness of your childhood. Too many people and events are allowed the power to manipulate our lives that who we were or thought we were totally becomes a strange and distant concept. How does it happen?Pain, sadness, emptiness are emotional visitors that never stop coming until it hurts and you eventually become numb. And when you thought you hit the bottom you’ll find that your back is yet to touch the ground, that you are still falling and the sound of your screams is useless because you are too deep in between.

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