A Letter to My First Exboyfriend

Dear James,
Even though its been almost 5 months since we decided to stop seeing each other, not a day passes that I don't think of you. Sometimes I think of how I would act if I would see you again, and I'm pretty sure I'd be stopped frozen. I'm going to Calgary in a few days for work, and I have to admit that I secretly hope that you're going to visit your old roomates there too during the stampede so I can run into you.
My heart isn't the same since I met you. Sometimes I feel like I'll never meet another person who will make me feel the way you did. Its almost a year since I met you, and I'll always cherish those early memories. I looked forward to seeing you and the prospect that I finally met someone who wanted more from me than just sex. Its really simple, but the reason why I fell in love with you was because you wanted to BE with ME, not to use me.
Things ended for their own reasons, and probably for a reason. Its funny how the mind can logically know that yet your heart will keep doing its own thing.

I love you james!

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